Our Mission
“To Champion the establishment, use, and stewardship of trails in Maine.”
About MTC
The Maine Trails Coalition (MTC) is a grassroots organization formed in 2019 to be a statewide voice for trail users, supporters, and advocates. With trails serving as a major component of the health of citizens and the outdoor recreation economy in Maine, we believe an inclusive statewide group dedicated to advancing trails will benefit communities and the people who live, work, visit, and play all across the state.
MTC catalyzes the collective impact of diverse representatives from governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, philanthropic foundations, health organizations, community groups, businesses, trail users, and advocates who collaborate to bring voice to Maine trails. As a central hub for these diverse interests, MTC is a resource for trail supporters seeking to bring trails to their communities, advocate for trails within the government, and improve the public’s connection to and support for trails around the state.
Equity and transparency are central to our success and are achieved by establishing shared priorities and plans. Trail use is increasing as more people recognize the power of trails, feel safer outdoors, want to improve their health, have quality experiences, enjoy great views, and have access to nature. MTC works to ensure everyone has access to trails for all of these purposes.
MTC’s current organizational structure consists of a governing Leadership Group, specialized Work Groups, Co-Coordinators, a part-time Project Coordinator and a part-time Program Manager. Maine Trails Coalition is fiscally sponsored by the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust, an accredited land trust and an IRS approved 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Our core values are:
● Bold - Develop a bold and ambitious vision for a sustainably funded and broadly accessible trails network throughout the state of Maine.
● Collaborative - Build strong and mutually beneficial partnerships across communities.
● Equitable - Prioritize equity and inclusivity within MTC and on Maine trails.
● Transparent - Listen to all voices and communicate clearly and openly.
● Innovative - Encourage new and creative ideas for achieving our goals.
● Results-Oriented - Set measurable and achievable goals for the organization and trail efforts in Maine.
Watch this short video that was partially filmed during our Strategic Planning Retreat in August 2023.
Maine Trails Coalition 2024
Leadership Team
Susan Adams, Elliotsville Foundation, Inc.
Doug Beck, Maine Bureau of Parks and Land
Leah Beck, Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Josh Caldwell, Natural Resources Council of Maine
Jeremy Cluchey, The Nature Conservancy, Merrymeeting Trail
Paul Drinan, Bicycle Coalition of Maine
Julie Isbill, National Park Service
Jon Kachmar, Portland Trails
Alvion Kimball, Sunrise Trail Coalition, DownEast Acadia Regional Tourism
Steve Kasacek, Outdoor Sport Institute, Katahdin Area Trails
Carrie Kinne, Freeport Conservation Trust
Zak Klein, Quimby Family Foundation
Brian Marcaurelle, Maine Island Trail Association
Anne Marisic, Bicycle Coalition of Maine
Jeff McCabe, Maine Office of Outdoor Recreation
Emily Paskewicz, East Coast Greenway
Gabe Perkins, Inland Woods + Trails
Tom Reeves, Merrymeeting Trail
Jeff Romano, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Will Sedlack Presumpscot Regional Land Trust
Lucas St. Clair, Elliotsville Foundation, Inc.
Eliza Townsend, Appalachian Mt. Club
Angela Twitchell, Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Warren Whitney, Northern Forest Canoe Trail
Jenny Ward, Interim Manager
Working Groups
Work groups help further MTC’s mission and vision. Some groups form to address a specific task and disband when this work is completed. Others are standing working groups with membership that changes as the work evolves. Work group membership is comprised of a mix of members from the Leadership Team and members who are participating at supporter or advisory levels. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with any of these current working groups, please contact us.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - aims to center DEI as an overarching principle of MTC’s efforts and collaborates with partners to cultivate DEI as core values for trail managers and users. This work group is especially open to anyone interested in learning and growing with us! If interested, please use the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Trail Stewardship - aims to establish an ethic of care for Maine’s trails and to draw attention and funding to the backlog of maintenance on many of Maine’s public trails. This group is interested in increasing and establishing sustainable funding mechanisms for the development, construction, and stewardship of trails in Maine.
Trail-until-Rail - is focused on creating opportunities and advocating for intermodal transportation and recreation along existing unused rail corridors, preserving those corridors and connecting communities throughout the state of Maine through biking, walking, and running rail-trail systems.
Communications - builds public awareness of MTC’s mission and work and supports targeted messaging to key audiences through thoughtful engagement over a broad range of channels.
Members of the Coalition also come together to support various legislation that support advancing trails and their numerous benefits.
Get Involved with Maine Trails Coalition
MTC supporters encompass all trail advocates. Supporters can participate in a variety of ways at a level to best meet the needs of the body they are representing and that will allow them opportunities to connect with other trail enthusiasts. Supporters of MTC learn about the MTC mission and work, and can also help support and share MTC’s vision for trails in Maine.
Supporters include subscribers to MTC’s email newsletter, followers of MTC’s social media accounts, and attendees of public MTC events.
Supporters become Members by becoming involved in one of our work groups or current projects. For more details on getting involved with MTC, please reach out.
*This section is a work-in-progress. Stay tuned for more details & updates!