Trail Volunteer Spotlight: Peter Roderick
Meet Peter Roderick of Rome, Maine- a trail volunteer who wears many hats! Peter volunteers with the Appalachian Mountain Club and Maine Appalachian Trail Club. We asked MTC Member, Jenny Ward of the Maine Appalachian Mountain Club for a profile of a trail “super volunteer” involved in her region and she connected us with Peter. We loved Peter’s enthusiastic reply and willingness to share a little bit about what trails mean to him and why he is involved. See what Peter had to say below:
Why do you Love Maine Trails? They provide access to nature and its wonderful light and silence. Also they allow me to volunteer in the natural world and to see what I have accomplished as a trail work volunteer, as I hike out after a day’s effort.
What trail project are you currently working on or most involved with?
The Appalachian Mountain Club’s Adopt-A-Trail program for the Maine Woods Initiative. We have orphaned trails that need to be adopted to provide basic trail maintenance on them. It includes a free stay at a nearby lodge for volunteers while doing work on their adopted trail.
Favorite trail activities? Trail work/hiking/snowshoeing
Favorite trail or trail memory in Maine? Hiking the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) in Maine in winter (section hikes)/Almost any trail in Baxter State Park
Best tip for trail users or volunteers? If you like to hike/walk/run/snowshoe the trails you should try volunteering with the land managing organization involved to see what you can do to make sure those trails remain open and in good condition. All such organizations need not only trail maintainers but also people who prefer to contribute in other ways.
Check an organization out and you will find many varied opportunities to contribute. If nothing else appeals, contact me about the AMC Adopt-A-Trail program.
When did you first connect to trails? How did you get interested in trails?
I met a trail maintainer at the gym and was invited to join a trail work trip. I loved combining hiking with giving back and helping to make the trails better, working with like minded others. Very satisfying.
If you were “stuck” on a trail for the rest of your life, which trail would it be? A.T. in Maine
Finish the sentence, I never hit the trails without: my fleece, first aid kit and headlamp. Always plan on spending the night out in the woods no matter how benign the trail or the mountain.
Biggest Leave No Trace Pet Peeve: People who throw their apple cores or other biodegradable food items in the nearby woods. One apple core will be pretty harmless, but if everyone threw an apple core in the woods at a favorite lunch spot, we would either eventually have a dump site or if lucky, an orchard. Carry In/Carry Out.
Fave trail snack? Peanut butter and graham crackers, especially in winter as they do not freeze.
Gosh, our Project Coordinator also loves PB + graham crackers AND the A.T. Thank you Peter for all that you do for Maine’s trails!
> To learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Maine Appalachian Mountain Club’s Adopt a Trail Program, visit this page, and reach out to Peter! Follow: Maine AMC Facebook
> For more information on the Maine Appalachian Trail Club and Volunteer Opportunities and openings, from maintaining the trail, the trail corridor, campsites/shelters, and other behind the scenes options, visit the MATC’s website, and follow MATC on Facebook.
Photo Credit: Dan Hale, Appalachian Trail Conservancy